Francie's Blog

Welcome to my blog!!I'll record my homework or dairy in this bolg!If you would like to tell me someing,you can leave a message for me~~

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Week 3 assignment

I think his blog is very awesome! He talks about many kinds of technology skills or problems. I can learn more from his blog. If I have some questions, I think I can ask him through leaving the comments. There are many comments on his website so that he does interact with his audience more.

According to this video, we can observe that is an interesting way to teach phonics. We can use songs to let students memorize these words easily. There are many kinds of phonic rules. The teacher uses the best way to introduce the differences. Also, she teach the students to make sentence by using these words so that they can understand the meaning quickly.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

My Profile & Web 2.0

Hello everyone! My name is Francie, also you can call me "Hamu". I'm 20 years old. I came from Taoyuan, it's so far to Taichung. In the begining of college life, I was very nervous to go to Taichung alone. But now, I feel very happy. Because the people in my class are so nice, especially my roommates. We get along happily!! I think I am so lucky that I can meet these friends.
I am interested in singing, so I attend many kinds of singing competitions. I also want to learn how to play the guitar because I am wild about music. My another interesting is dancing although I have no time to join the street dance club. Because I have a part time job in the cafeteria in school, I spend much time in studying and working. The schoolwork in Junior period is really hard, but I still have to work because I need the money. Maybe I'll be tired or busy, I trust it's an experience of working or training myself.
However, let's talk about my expectations of the CALL class. One, I would like to increase my speaking and listening ability by using some websites. Nowadays, the computers become a quite essential tool to learning or teaching language. I hope I can know more great websites to use well especially increase my ability.

About web 2.0:
The term "Web 2.0" refers to a perceived second generation of web development and design, that aim to facilitate communication, secure information sharing, interoperability, and collaboration on the World Wide Web. Web 2.0 concepts have led to the development and evolution of web-based communities, hosted services, and applications; such as social-networking sites, video-sharing sites, wikis, blogs, and folksonomies.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Story: Something Else

The story” Something Else” is about a different thing named Something else, and nobody wanted to get along with him. He felt so sad, and he tried to be the same with them. He drew pictures, played games, ate lunch, and did the same way like others. However, they still thought that something else was not like them and he did not belong here. Something else felt sad, but he could not do anything. One day, when he prepared to go to bed, there was a knock on the door, and his name was Something. Something wanted to be friends with Something else, and he said that he was like Something else. At first, Something else did not think they were alike. For a while, Something else thought that it was not important. Even though they were not alike, they still could be friends. Finally, they became good friends, and lived together.

I think friendship is very important to me, and it does not have any restriction. Although we are not alike or our interesting are different, we still can be friends. As long as we like each other, we can be friends, good and forever friends.
I choose this book to read because the cover is yellow. Yellow is my favorite color. On the cover, there is a cute animal( I thought it's an animal). The cute animal I think is " Something else".

Thursday, December 28, 2006

My wonderful Christmas

This Christmas, I went to see a movie with my boyfriend. The movie named” Night at The Museum”. It is a comedy movie. We really had a good time.
The movie is about a man who found a job being a night guard in the museum. In the museum, all the exhibitions got alive at the night. It was so scared and chaos. The major actor, Lary, did not know how to solve this problem. During the time he tried to find many ways to solve the problem, it happened lots of funny things. I was laughing all the time. At the third time he stayed in the museum, he really convinced all the alive exhibitions to listen to his commands. Therefore, after this day, the museum did not be chaos anymore. They had a party all the night.
At first, we did not know which movie we should see. We thought that 黃金甲 was a good choice, too. However, we choose Night at The Museum. I think it is a great choice. We had a wonderful time in the movie. After seeing the movie, we went to see the 高鐵桃園站. It’s amazing! I think if it open, it will be a popular transport. And then, we went to a dinner. We had a wonderful Christmas, and I hope we will have a good time next Christmas.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Short Takes: Grandpa's Hand

When the author was four years old, he held his grandfather's hands. He found that his grandpa had a lot of wrinkles in his hands. He felt very confused. His grandpa told him that the wrinkles stand for the troubles he have had through his years on one hand, and the wrinkles stand for the glories and joys in his life on the other hand.

There are many joys or sorrows in our life, and they leave their marks in our hands. This is just a metaphor, but the meaning is very deep. I think we have to enjoy our life even though we have challenges to face. By this way, we’ll remember all the things we have met. That will be a great memory in our mind and… our hands. Although the story is short, the meaning is very deep…

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The basketball player, 林志傑.

He is a basketball player in Taiwan. He is in Taiwan Beer basketball team of Super Basketball League. He is my favorite basketball player.
His name is 林志傑. He is the most important player in Taiwan Beer, and he got the most grades last year. I went to Taipei to see the game of 台啤 v.s 裕隆 last February. It was very very exciting. I screamd all the time after the game ended. Finally, 台啤 won the game. I was so happy about that.
He works very hard. Sometimes, he hurts on the game, but he never give up. He still braces himself. Althongh he loses the game, there is no regret.
I think his spirit is great. After I watch his perfomance on TV first, he becomes my object of learning.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Short Takes: Always a Memory

Summary: The author lost her best friend. Her friend are the school she used to attend and love, and her bird. Because the school fired, the author lost her friends. But only the author immune to loss. The bird, Sweetie's death didn't touch her at first, but as time passed, the bird's absence would bring on nightmares. Although the author cried out the bird's name, there would be no answer. The author was very sad about her bird's death, but there is a great memory always in her mind.

It's a moved story. I think the author have to be optimistic. Although the bird couldn't be alive, there was a great memory in her mind. The story make me think about myself. I have a dog, I really love my dog. If someday she die, I will must be very very sad. If I am sad about her death, I'll think of this story and remind me to be optimistic.