Francie's Blog

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Thursday, December 21, 2006

Short Takes: Grandpa's Hand

When the author was four years old, he held his grandfather's hands. He found that his grandpa had a lot of wrinkles in his hands. He felt very confused. His grandpa told him that the wrinkles stand for the troubles he have had through his years on one hand, and the wrinkles stand for the glories and joys in his life on the other hand.

There are many joys or sorrows in our life, and they leave their marks in our hands. This is just a metaphor, but the meaning is very deep. I think we have to enjoy our life even though we have challenges to face. By this way, we’ll remember all the things we have met. That will be a great memory in our mind and… our hands. Although the story is short, the meaning is very deep…


At 8:39 PM, Blogger Francie said...

Hi Rachel:
You forgot to leave your name. The teacher said that we should have to leave our name when we give the comments. Remember it.^^
Thanks for your comment.^^
Love U


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